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Girl, share that smile.

It was 2012 when I was living in College Station, Texas. A place where I felt God had called me to be fully concencreted with Him. Away from my past, away from the familiar, just me and Him. Although I remember having an inner fit when He first spoke through my mom to move there from my hometown. But I knew very well I wasn't getting very far in growth there in that small hometown of mine with again. So I obeyed, and went. Ant in a nut shell, I ended up staying there for shyly over two years and loved it! I never wanted to go back to the West. But it was a rocky start.

Upon getting there, I remember praying for a job. A job where I could "shine His light." So, I did what any typical nineteen year old would do. I applied at every girlie store in the mall. I mean thats the perfect place I could make money, meet tons of people and you know, shine my light. Welp, never heard a word from any of the stores. So I decided "well I've worked at Sonic for some years now, I'll just go back there and make my living until something else comes about." BUT, nada. Another "why in the world can I not get a job" case for us ya'll. I know, I know.

Anywho, I called my mom, vented to her about my frustrations of not being able to find a job, and her response? "Well you can always work at Sanderson Farms? They hire on the spot. It was my first job when I got out of prison. And they pay pretty well too. "Uhhhokayyy? What would I be doing?" "Cutting and packing chicken" she replied. UHM, EXCUSE ME?! Working in a chicken factory?? Not my idea of a "God given job", but I had to put pride aside because a jobs a job and I needed one, so there I went. And my mom was absolutely right, they hired me on the spot and I started the next week. And fun fact: she wasn't the only one that worked there straight from prison. About 90% of that place was filled with felons. Not even kidding. And on my first day, you'll never guess what I heard from the Lord in my spirit: "the perfect place to shine your light." "Ha..Ha Jesus." *teasing glare goes up*

Well, work began and I eventually got the hang of cuttting wings off of raw chickens coming down a cone line at a high speed. Once I got the hang, I had grace time to socialize with others around me because I learned to cut the wings without looking down. Crazy, I know. But yes, I was now talking. But there was one particular women that I couldn't help but notice due to her voice carrying so loudly down the line every day. And not saying the most pleasant words either. She was a tall, somewhat thicker Caucasian women who was probably in her late twenties. She always wore a worn black hoodie, (mind you, we were all in a freezer for eight hours) and heavily dark eye makeup where her grayish green eyes would pop. A girl I remember thinking "okay I'll just stay clear from her." Well God heard my thoughts I'm sure because it wasn't long at all before she was moved RIGHT next to me. "Well then.." I thought. *God and His sense of humor that year* And so on she would go with her foul mouth and loud remarks joking around with others around us. I didn't have much to say so I began to just keep my head down for the first half of the day. Then while on break, I heard the Lord whisper to me.. "I love her." In that moment I felt a hint of a conviction and said to him in my mind "wow, forgive me, Lord." I was judging her.

"Breaks over!" a raspy deep voice echoed through the break room, and on back to the cone line we all Debone workers went. The line started, and a few minutes later I finally spoke. "Is it hard cutting shoulders?" *I was a wing cutter* "Nah girl, once you get the hang of it it, its cake." She replied with a smile. Then went on to demonstrate how her job was done. Then from that small talk kinda conversation came more small talk. Until I finally asked her for her name. Then conversation got a little more.. personal I guess you can put it. It turned out we had a lot in common as far as our interests went (food, movies, some music) The next day, then the next was just about the same. Small talk, but enough to make time pass and keep each other company. Until the small talk became just a bit more. And about a week later, she blurts out "tell somethin Brandy, why you so nice?" I was honestly taken by surprise when she asked me because I didn't really recall doing or saying anything that would allow her to think I was a nice person. "What do you mean?" *chuckling*. "Nah I mean like, you always smilin' and saying hi to everybody and just tryna talk to people like you know em'. I ain't met much people like that.." And for a second, I low key felt a minor guilt knowing I actually had judged her from the get go... but God. "I just think people are cool girl, thats all." I replied. Now fast forward; she ended up being my best friend there in College Station. I would go to her house almost every Friday, or she'd come to mine and it was always THE BEST. Like I'm talkin' girl talk, face masks, cooking together, chick flicks, and home pedis. Yesss, THE BEST.

About a month passes, and after truly getting to know her, I discovered that she was a recovering meth addict who was previously living in her car a year and a half prior with her two sons, but was slowly getting her life back in order. I was blown away by her spirit and strength to climb out of that dark hole on her own. "I have two young men I gotta raise" she'd say. I ended up sharing my story with her as well, and told her how Jesus was just the bomb and how I was learning and growing and changing with my hand in His daily. She believed in Him, but wanted a relationship with Him too. So I invited her to church, along with having consistent bible studies with her, and long story short, she ended up falling in love with Jesus as well.

She my friends, was hands down was one of the best people I have ever met to this day. A true friend that I was blessed to have in that season. We had a beautiful friendship, thanks be to God. But imagine if I would have continued to judged her by her cloths, her foul mouth, or heavy eyeliner?

Now days, I thankfully know better. That was my season to learn to never forget where I where and what I come from. But also and more importantly, no matter how they smell, what they're wearing, what they're saying, etc. JESUS LOVES THEM. And if I wanna represent Him well, I should too.

So daily, before walking out of my doors, I say a prayer that keeps me on my toes that goes a little like this: "Jesus, help me to be more like you in every day. May people see you in me, may they hear you in me when I speak, and may they feel you through me as they're around me." Now imagine... we all genuinely prayed that daily, and He answers (which he most def would *wink wink*), how would the world and unbelievers view us Jesus followers? We can first take it into consideration of what Jesus looks and feels like to us. He for the most part makes us feel like we're worth more than a million bucks right? Always encouraging us, sharing his radiant smile, complimenting, motivating, listening, understanding and respecting us. So then THAT'S how we could rep Him! To where our smiles, encouragement, friendliness, understanding, including others, listening, compassion, empathy and helping hands would point to our Savior more than words or preaching ever could. Because if we ever want to see a beautiful change in humanity, love and kindness would absolutely be the way to go about it. Not judgment and condemnation. People who are living in sin already know they are living in sin! We don't need to remind them and add to their hurt. What most of them don't know is the love of Jesus, and we have the daily opportunity to show them. What an honor and blessing that is!... Right though?

Now now, let me just say before wrapping this up. I DON'T get this "kindness" thing right ALL the time. I'll def admit. But where I miss the mark, there He is. And thankfully His grace and mercy is new to us every day. *huge smile*

Lastly Love, I'll leave you with on of my most FAVORITE quotes of all time. "It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, Gods job to judge, and my job to LOVE." - Billy Graham

Until next time, Boo.

XOXO - Bran

Tata for now

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